SYLVAIN interview FR

What is it like to work at iZySolutions, SYLVAIN?

If the names iZyLab , iZyWebshop or even iZyOrder Entry speak to you, it is because you have already met our iZyLabManager project manager: Sylvain LEMOINE .

Find out who is the person in charge of the team that manages the daily management of your optical order flows .

iZyLab was not born in the hands of Sylvain but it’s just like. This computer system made up of 6 à la carte modules is celebrating its 5th anniversary and continues to grow, no longer accompanied but directed by Sylvain since March 2020 .

But what was Sylvain doing before 2020?

After a first professional experience in a small IT services company, 22-year-old Sylvain arrived at iZySolutions in November 2013 as a programmer analyst on non-optical solutions.

When he arrived in the Startup, he joined the Orleans team composed at the time only of Julien and Jordan but also of our former colleague Antoine in telework ( Stéphane and Roselyne manage the administration on our site in Laval). What immediately made Sylvain want to dive into this adventure is: ” From my first day, I felt that I could contribute something and that I was involved “. Even today, what he still likes so much is this benevolent working atmosphere and the values of fulfillment that have contributed to his development over the innovative projects entrusted to him.

Sylvain’s very first optical project – iZyLab – arrived quickly. In September 2018, 5 years after his arrival in this brand new environment for him, he will no longer juggle between non-optical and optical programming but will now focus just like iZySolutions on the latter.

A true example of adaptation!

With his professional IT license preceded by a DUT and all the experience acquired within iZySolutions, today he is at the head of the optical order entry software solution.

What is it to be responsible for iZyLab?

Sylvain is no longer just in charge of a project but of a whole service which implies: a team of 4 developers to take care of. His daily life requires juggling between the tasks to be assigned , the files to follow and to adapt to all kinds of unforeseen events (example).

Sylvain on a daily basis is:

💠 Manage the implementation of an iZyLab at a client (analysis phase – installation – evolution).

💠 Daily monitoring of the team and development schedules .

💠 Ensure the maintainability and sustainability of iZyLab .

💠 Be the privileged interlocutor of our customers on all issues related to their order entries .

💠 Promote our solutions to interested companies .

Because indeed, Sylvain is one of the main commercial actors at iZySolutions. In addition to its 22 customer files to accompany, it will be if you are not yet part of the iZyLab family: your first contact . His analytical skills and his good humor allow us to put together files that meet the technical and budgetary needs of our customers from all walks of life: from small distributors to international production laboratories .

When a client has little or no computerization, Sylvain assists him in choosing an ERP compatible with our solution to minimize integration costs .

Its optical and market expertise provides tailor-made advice from taking orders from opticians to integration with a production system and monitoring purchase orders from external suppliers .

Sylvain makes it a point of honor to provide advice and transparency to guide you – manufacturer/distributor or plant – in the best technical and functional choices. For example, if there is a need for a complex functionality or a specific need outside the standard iZyLab, he will analyze the possibilities already available to avoid heavy developments.

Bringing the best adapted solution by adjusting and using a wide design panel is Sylvain’s primary objective💪

Whether you are a manufacturer or distributor of optical products or simply a fan of Formula 1: come and chat with Sylvain!

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