iZyLab Manager Optical lab software solution

iZyLab is an optical lab software solution that enables a regular ERP to manage issues related to optic industry

iZyLab offers a panel of electronic softwares dedicated to the different partners of optic industry: opticians, manufacturers, suppliers, retail chains… therewith they can ease their interactions and their electronic transactions, no matter in which country they are or the current standards.

iWiCatalog, online software, used for the creation and the broadcast of optical catalogs is « THE » central solution of iZyLab to which you can add different components depending on users’ needs. Knowing that iZyLink and iZyOrderEntry explained below, are necessarily part of iZyLab’s basic offer with iWiCatalog.

The components of our optical lab software

iFaxNet features

iZyOrderEntry Quick and easy optical orders entries

iZyOrderEntry is an online interface connected to iWiCatalog that enables easily to create and change an order with business entries (digital tablets to take shapes…) in keeping with your manufacturers’ catalog and then to inject data in your ERP..

Optical catalog outsourced management

iZyBuy the optical suppliers’ purchasing portal towards their manufacturers

iZyBuy enables the optical suppliers, who subcontract part of their production, to automatically generate a purchase order to their manufacturers.

Faxed or e-mailed EDI orders sent to manufacturers are created from an optician order placed earlier according to the different settings filled in iZyLab.
iZyBuy is very complete since it enables, for lenses for example, to send expected shapes to manufacturers.

Finally, iZyBuy enables a management and a total traceability of an order’s different life circles status (stock, ongoing at manufacturer’s…).

Optical catalog outsourced management: for who

iZyLink the ERP’s optical plug-in

As a supplier, no doubts, you have already an ERP or your own information system like Sage, SAP, AS400…. In the optical industry, many business regulations exist and most of the time, those systems don’t take them in account.

The idea is not that our whole software solutions, dedicated to optical industry, replace your existing ERP, but that it interfaces itself with the ERP to make your information systems a complete business tool at your company’s service. That’s when iZyLink intervenes. It enables to connect iZyLab to your ERP: products, stock, customers’ databases and orders…Then order forms, invoices, statistics are managed as usual in your ERP.

For example, for a lens supplier, many combinations exist to price lenses and extras as they depend on lenses’ correction, the target, ongoing commercial offers… In a regular ERP, it’s not possible without incurring expensive changes. iZyLink’s part is to pass on the right price at the same time of the order so that the ERP can continue the order’s life circle

  • More than

    equipped customers

  • More than
    15 million

    handled orders

  • 5

    dedicated people to the R&D

Customers stories

We had 3 objectives for our multi-country catalog management project:

- Minimize the workload of our collaborators in the conception of electronic catalogs
- Optimization of Time to Market, our products are available more quickly to our optician customers.
- Interfacing with our existing IT systems

We chose the solution iWiCatalog Corporate, on the one hand for its performances and on the other hand for its adaptability.

Thank you to the iZySolutions teams thanks to whom we succeeded in interfacing in 2 years more than twenty subsidiaries of the Essilor group.
Gille Morand Gilles MORAND Essilor Europe
I recommend to Eyes-Road EEIG members the iWiCatalog software to easily manage their Optimeyes and Opto11 electronic catalogs.
philippe cellier Philippe CELLIER Eyes Road
iZySolutions and our teams were able to work in an agile and efficient way by adapting throughout the stages of conception, realization and deployment of the solution to integrate the evolutions of the initial specifications.
Loïc GENONI Codir - Krys
Thanks to the Lab approach of iZySolutions, we were able to co-create an environment in our image in line with our evolving needs.

We found a partner totally in phase with our dynamics which requires adaptability and reactivity. They bring satisfaction to our teams but also to our customers.

Our offices

Contact us
iZySolutions offices


151 rue de la Juine
45160 Olivet


11, Ion Campineanu Street, 4th floor
010031 District 1, Bucharest - Romania


iZySolutions Portugal
Edifício Tower Plaza, Rotunda Engº Edgar Cardoso, nº 23 13º
4400-676 Vila Nova de Gaia - Portugal

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