iZyDevelopments « THE » computing services company of the optic industry.

IT developments

iZyDevelopment provides resources for IT development (project leader and developers) that has a dual expertise ; development and high knowledge about optic job.

iWiCatalog for retail chains


Unlike a regular computing services company, you don’t waste time explaining specificities, country’s standards… of your job and you don’t face major IT dysfunctions related to a wrong interpretation of the need and of the market during the project. With iZyDevelopment, we make sure that your requests are in accordance with market’s standards, that way you are ensured a flawless reliability.

  • More than

    C# .net experts

  • 50

    catalogs already managed

  • 98%

    of satisfied customers

Customers stories

We had 3 objectives for our multi-country catalog management project:

- Minimize the workload of our collaborators in the conception of electronic catalogs
- Optimization of Time to Market, our products are available more quickly to our optician customers.
- Interfacing with our existing IT systems

We chose the solution iWiCatalog Corporate, on the one hand for its performances and on the other hand for its adaptability.

Thank you to the iZySolutions teams thanks to whom we succeeded in interfacing in 2 years more than twenty subsidiaries of the Essilor group.
Gilles Morand Gilles MORAND Essilor Europe
I recommend to Eyes-Road EEIG members the iWiCatalog software to easily manage their Optimeyes and Opto11 electronic catalogs.
Philippe Cellier Philippe CELLIER Eyes Road
iZySolutions and our teams were able to work in an agile and efficient way by adapting throughout the stages of conception, realization and deployment of the solution to integrate the evolutions of the initial specifications.
Julien chaise Julien CHAISE Director of Organisation and Information Systems Codir - Krys
Thanks to the Lab approach of iZySolutions, we were able to co-create an environment in our image in line with our evolving needs.

We found a partner totally in phase with our dynamics which requires adaptability and reactivity. They bring satisfaction to our teams but also to our customers.

Our offices

Contact us
iZySolutions offices


151 rue de la Juine
45160 Olivet


11, Ion Campineanu Street, 4th floor
010031 District 1, Bucharest - Romania


iZySolutions Portugal
Edifício Tower Plaza, Rotunda Engº Edgar Cardoso, nº 23 13º
4400-676 Vila Nova de Gaia - Portugal

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