Electronic catalogs and optic standards

What if your customers, the opticians, could have access in a blink to the list of all the characteristics (technical data, manufacturing grids, fees…) of your products like lenses, contact lenses, frames, accessories… without requiring a significant information treatment? This is now possible thanks to the optic EDI catalog. But the characteristics of the products in the optic industry are numerous, complex and precise. A common language between two information systems is essential, this goes through optic standards

Optic catalog: what is it?

To broadcast, in a click to your customers, your products like lenses, contact lenses, frames or even accessories, it’s necessary to, in a first place, reference them in an online product catalog management software. But be careful, this one must allow the importation and exportation of all European standard formats to easily transfer your information in the right place, straight into your customers’ points of sale’s software. Then, the opticians can consult the products’ list of a company and their technical characteristics, fees, feasibility… 



Is the set up of an EDI optic catalog really necessary?

To spread EDI orders, yes! Furthermore, this EDI catalog will ease your life (no more phone calls, faxes… or even worst lost orders…). More and more opticians adopt the EDI to gain flexibility and to focus on their business core. That is why you should get on board now! 

What is the exact purpose of optic standards?

You are lenses or glasses manufacturer and work in different countries? You are a distributor or a French manufacturer and want to go for the international distribution of your products?
Like we said above, to make an EDI catalog communicate with an optician’s point of sale’s software, you have to respect some IT standards and they differ from country to the others. That’s why iZySolutions developed iWiCatalog, the only European product catalog management software that enables to import or export all European standard formats. 

Optic standards listing:

Before getting in the « technical » part, a brief summary of what you have to know about the optic standards:

  • The two main standards are Opto11 and SF6 (respectively available in Southern Europe and Northern Europe).
  • No merger plan of these standards is planned for now.
  • Many countries don’t have official standards yet and use either French or German standards or proprietary format.
  • Most of the time, it’s the most used format of point of sale’s software that is used in the country.

For any complementary questions or demo requests, do not hesitate to contact us ! 

Optimeyes (2001) – Multi-products

It is a format, and not a standard, based on the collaboration between ESSILOR and EDI Optique. It’s still mostly available for lenses manufacturers and is largely used in France, Belgium, Switzerland and Spain. Its international export (out of France) is mostly due to French actors present on this foreign markets.
This format is the first format shared by all the actors of the optic industry. It largely contributed to the expand of the EDI in France and Europe.
It allows to define the products: lenses, contact lenses, maintenance solutions and frames.
Text Format by splitter.
More information about the optic format Optimeyes

Opto10 (2006) – Multi-products

It’s a standard based on the standardization EDIFACT of the UNECE. It’s inspired by the works of the Optimeyes standardized in EDIFACT.
Set up by the association Edi Optique in response of EyesRoad.
It’s no longer used since its replacement by the Opto11 standard.
It allows to define the products: lenses, contact lenses, maintenance solutions and frames.
EDIFACT format.
More information about the Opto10-lenses format. 

ISO / EDIS 10685-1 (Spectacle Frames) – (2011)

It’s a standard registered the 22nd September 2011  at the ISO for the management of frames catalogs.
It’s mostly used in the USA and in Asia.
Proprietary XML format.
More information about the ISO standard. 

Opto11 ebXML (2011) – Multi-products.

It’s a standard based on the UNCEFACT in XML format.
Many versions of this optic standard exist: r15, r16 and r17 (currently in publishing process).
The Opto11 standard is the outcome of works undertaken by EDI Optique members.
It’s the compilation of Optimeyes, Opto10 and B2BOptic standards. It was created with the purpose to be an international standard.
The Opto11 standard enables to define the products: lenses, contact lenses, maintenance solutions, frames, accessories and products packages.
Now our days it’s the most complete international standard.
Specificity for the Frame part: the Opto11 vr15 standard has been registered and recognized by the ISO as the international standard for frames catalogs.
It’s the reference standard for the actors of the optic in France now our days.
Link to the Opto11 r16 standard. 

SF6- Germany – Lenses (2010)

This format has been developed by the companies Rodenstock, Zeiss, IPRO and COMCEPT in Germany for the actors and the German market.
It allows to only define lenses catalogs.
It is now used by many countries in Northern Europe.
Since the 6.10 version, the control specificities defined in the Opto11 have been integrated.
More information about the SF6 standard.
The SF7 version is currently being published; it’s about the portage of the SF6 format to proprietary XML.
This new version also includes a hierarchy notion of the links between lenses and supplements. 

Spectaris – Germany – Contact lenses.

This is not a standard, it’s the XML format developed by the company Look4 that offers a solution to manage contact lenses catalogs in Germany.

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